Silicon Valley Community Foundation
The so-called Silicon Valley Foundation focuses on solving humanity’s most difficult problems, improving the quality of life. The organization primarily provides grants in five key areas: education, economic security, immigrant integration, regional planning, and addressing urgent community needs.
Today, the organization has more than 1,600 regional charitable foundations under its umbrella and $2.9 billion in assets. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation plays a key role in the implementation of social projects at the local, state and global levels. The credibility of the foundation is proven by the fact that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donated 18 million shares of his company’s stock to the organization in 2012. The money was used to fund new grants and encourage Silicon Valley’s most promising projects.
Zuckerberg gave half a billion dollars to charity. And with Facebook shares. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation received the social network’s securities. This foundation gives grants to Silicon Valley talent and funds educational and medical projects.
Zuckerberg gave the Silicon Valley Community Foundation 18 million shares of Facebook stock. The stake is valued at nearly half a billion dollars. And, as Zuckerberg himself wrote on his Facebook page, the gift is expected to become the foundation for new Silicon Valley Community Foundation projects. The endowment is formed from these shares, said Maria Chertok, director of the CAF Russia Charitable Foundation.
“It’s not money that’s going to be spent right now or during the year for charity. The endowment is formed from these shares. And then it’s up to the foundation to make decisions. If they don’t want all 100% or a significant part of their endowment to be invested only in one particular asset, they can start selling shares, buying, and diversifying their portfolio,” explained Chertok.